Database VI was hard ... AGORA after 70 resets taking a vacation in the meentime Frekada the old (Buttefly) seeing the oportunty of this he was the firstone ho did the Grand Reset ... so after that AGORA came back and just tornado until the second Grand Reset ...
We did not have any testimony from them but we know that JmEcKeReL is in the 3rd place and Cestmir on the 4th place GameOverR on the 5th place .. after figthing with L3gendar and Very for 1 moth ... for the reset...
We e had some players who use hacks and some players ho just join us just to mess the competition ^^ .. but they knew so well the rules ...
None of the old Champions did not push this database ... but they participate to the database in the begining TimeLord and Arabela ... was pushing in the fist Restes
We prepare for Database VII and we want to improve the spots and more features ... we had some Feedbacks from the members about some bugs like Webshopbug .. (wen a player was using the personal store to grain free items from webshop .. so we have cancel that in DBVI we no longer suport personal store with Credits .. wat we are using now the GoldPoints wich are the old GMO points so you can use to buy seals and store from lorencia "X" , the PCPoints are now Silver Coins and we gona hunt some monsters that you can find randomly on each map .. and you can hunt them for SC ...
We have recorde that the Arena monsters are respawning slower then Kalima monsters so we fix that ..
We have installed COLLDOWN to speels that makes PVP more intrest
ing and fix agility bugs ...
We have install new spots .. and increase the range of some spells and lower the others
So firends we see eachother on 26/July/2013 the 19:00 hours .. to START the DBVII we expect you and bring some firends .. we gona install MuGuard have a more balance game see you there
We have decide that the agility bugs is crashing the game to much so we start to modify the client to make more plasure to the gamer , we will remove the agility bugs in muonline or we die trying ,
Alsow we want to make the game more balance and who knows in the end maby we will play on money to , the game is (Cc) meens is GMO (Genetic Modify Organism) or we are limited to the platform we are working on who is realy old , maby with time we weill succesful make ower own game who knows we will call it Zone of Champions
This database has succesful end with AGORA champion so we will make a movie about him and we will use it later in the game for the projects that we have , we hope that with my lerning we will sccefull made all php and sql and c++ modifcation we need to make this game a dream came true
The champion will receve 4000 Cr next database alswo the top 5 will receve CR after 4 Weeks of new database , congratulation from ZoHaN team
Database VII
The Fight is on betwen the best of the best , we avrage have 20 players online but we can say only 10 of them stay with us and fight for the end of database AGORA again in the Lead with 3 Grr close at 20 Resets is Gandalf this Wizard was Leader of the pack until a few weeks but we cannot foghet NYKO who was the Leader of the Grr 2 , now slown down for some reasons , ManuDL the fearless DarkLord who give up in the first Gr , because of some missundestanding , now is on number 4 , on 5 we have kyndr3d 1 with 1 Grr . DevilGods is a BK who came late in the game so who will be the Leader this database end We have made some modification this database , stable and fixing the bugs we have succed to eliminate all agility bugs in the game , we still have some items wich are bad to the game but we can fix that , now we are focusing on the game balance , after the install of MuGuard update fee , is not much but we are trying to make the only muonline server who dont depend on Donation to sustain it , so the donation is a casual ocazion , if you like the server you donate if you dont well , you have pacient and play you can make Credits in the game , we will see how this will end up in the end we hope members will like the server and donate to us
More info will be avlabile to download later on ... depends on the database events