Database I - V
Dupa cum stiti aici o sa publicam topurile bazei noastre de date de pe serverele pe care le avem si o sa incepem cu serverul de MU

Data Base I

Serverul Mu de la aceasta baza de daate a fost lansat pe data  de 26/11/2010 si a fost oprit pe data de 27/02/2011 dupa ce s-a observat coruptia unor admini din server ce aduceau iteme pe server ilegal , dupa aceasta descoperire mai mult admini au pierdut accesul la server , fireste itemele au fost retras de pe server si serverul a fost inchis oficial la acces cu publicul din data de 01/03/20011 pana pe data de 04/03/2011 unde s-a pornit noua baza de date ZoHaN-MU

Data Base II

Serverul Mu de la aceasta baza de date a fost lansat pe data  de 02/03/2011 si a fost oprit pe data de 18/05/2011 cu multi jucatori activi el a resit sa echilibreze distactia cu invatzat , stafful zohan invatzat sa controleze mai bine fisierele serverului mu , cat si jucatori care au spublerat reseturile Corpse*MG si alecsm fiind primi care au dat Grand RR , statica fiind primu care a a tins 75 RR , iar gix_sef a fost iar predominat pe Castel , ambitionand multe caractere din joc. 3 Noi admini au renascut unul dintre jucatori FinuCCI , Cdcd si statica (care s-a retras  mai tarziu) , ma intreb oare ce ne surprize ne pregateste Data Base III 


28/05/2011  - 23 / 11 / 2011 

This data base was verry silent and without any wavers many old players was on the server and play along but the one who was made the fist was a gril arabala33 , she was the best player on this database , on the second half of the database we start to have a little problem with the server and until we have located the problem the hard disk has faild , and he brought the end of Database III , verry fast we have bought one new server and we have prepare the new DataBase IV 


Hack was succesful  with keyloger
2 Dec 2011 - 09 Ian 2011

Afeter some time we have succsesful found who hack the database now the Known person that has succesful hack the database and in 5 hours made more damage that he can imagine because of some files , he cood steal the pasword of ZoHaN acount , (yahoo , and  Forum) destroy ranks and some data ;on the forum ,after 12 hours , and regrain control of the Forum and main e-mail , for this we will be more carful wat files we accept from the internet , of course "dyllan" ! (that was 10+)
But the story is not ending here we fast start to try to recover data but unsucseful , so we made preparation for the new DataBase the V .
         On the 4th Database the Champion title stands for  Cr3caN , and hope to save the damn ranking more offen next time please if i dont do that save it for you .


TimeLord wipe out the competition this database so he is the Champion of DatabaseV .. he had some competition with AGORA but he did not left to easy to TimeLord ... 

Kidu is on 3rd place .. SoSweet place 4rd and seke is 5th place
we Congratulations to all of them .. 

The donation of this database was low and the nr of players verry  low averaged 20 players online all time but we thank them for the participation 

More information coming.....



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